Save Your Home From Dryer Fires Every year, more than 2900 home fires are started by clothes dryers. The leading cause of these fires are from a build of up lint from lack of maintenance. The removable lint filter unfortunately doesn't catch all of the cloth and fabric particles, so maintenance requires a little more than just emptying the filter after each load. Whether you live in your own home or plan to purchase in the near future, it's important to have safeguards in place for the utilities that you use that could put your home at risk. You want to make sure that the lint that gets trapped in crevices and in the hose on it's way outside are thoroughly cleaned. Here are a few warning signs to look for that may indicate your dryer is getting clogged up by lint: Clothes are taking a lot longer to dry, and sometimes not even drying all the way. Clothes may be hotter by the end of the cycle. The outside of the dryer starts to get really hot....